What Are Insulin Dosages for Type 2 Diabetes?

Insulin Treatment Plans

To maintain the glucose levels within a healthy level, you can use short-acting or long-acting insulin or both. The majority of doctors recommend long-acting insulin initially.

Long-acting (basal) insulin. This is often referred to as background insulin since it can be used for 24 hours or longer. You typically take it twice every day and at simultaneously.

There are several types of insulin that are long-acting. Each one has its own dose. Based on the type that you are taking, you could begin with 10 units per day. The doctor might decide to base the dosage upon the basis of your weight which is based on approximately 0.2 units per 2.2 pounds. This could be lower than what you require but it’s a decent starting place. The dose can increase by between two and four units every 3 days until you hit your fastest blood sugar goal. This is typically between 80 and 130 mg/dL. The type of insulin that your doctor recommends will depend upon your body weight, blood sugar levels, any other health issues you may have, the price and your individual preferences.

Rapid- or short-acting insulin. The doctor may refer to this as the bolus, prandial also known as mealtime or breakfast insulin. It is taken prior to meals to aid your body to process the carbs in food. You might need it in the event that long-acting insulin isn’t working enough. The proper dose will depend on the blood sugar levels you want to achieve as well as the amount of carbohydrates you’re consuming, as well as the level of activity you’re having. You could start with between four and six doses of insulin. The dosage could be increased by 2 to 3 units every three days until you hit you target blood sugar goal.

Another option is you can match your insulin levels with the quantity of carbohydrates you consume. For instance, suppose you have a slice pizza that contains 60 grams of carbohydrates. One unit of insulin that is rapid-acting generally will take care of the carbs, or “covers” 10 carbs. This means you’ll require 6 is 20 units of insulin a lot in order to fill your pizza. This method is a good one, but you must determine the ratio of insulin to carbs. It may be higher, or even less than 1:10. The ratio could also change throughout the day and in the course of time. Talk to your doctor to find the correct ratio for you.

One way you can tell whether you’re suffering from low blood sugar levels is to measure your glucose level. If it’s lower than 70 mg/dL, take 15 grams of juice, glucose tabs, or honey to get the level back to a healthy level. You can check it again after 15 minutes. If it’s still not enough make sure you have a second serving.

What About Apps?

Certain apps claim to calculate your insulin-to-carb percentage or your insulin dose for you. A study in 2015 showed that many of them did not work effectively, which could be risky. If you’re interested in trying an app, let your health care provider recommend it.

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