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A Parent’s Guide to Hipp vs. Holle Baby Formula

No one argues against the usefulness and perfection of a mother’s milk for breastfeeding a small child. But there are cases when a baby from birth or a little later has to be fed with artificial milk formulas. To date, this type of baby food is represented by a wide range of products from a variety of firms, types, stocks, price categories, etc. Sometimes even experienced parents find it very difficult to choose the right milk formula for their baby. What to say about young and inexperienced mothers?

Choosing a baby formula

You should not choose a formula for your baby, guided only by the loud brand and the hyped name of the product. “The most expensive formula” does not mean “the best” – the baby should be given the product that suits him. When it comes to choosing a baby formula, you need to consult your pediatrician.

So how do you choose a formula for artificial nutrition? First of all, pay attention to the composition of the product you buy. Particular attention should be paid to the protein content of the formula. It is best if it is replaced with whey protein. Fats must be present because they depend on the caloric value, that is, the satiety of your baby. In addition, some important vitamins are absorbed only with fats. As for carbohydrates, in women’s milk, the carbohydrate function is lactose. It is in breast milk more than 90% of the total carbohydrate content. If your baby is healthy, you should choose a formula with lactose as the main ingredient. It is acceptable to have glucose in the formula. But artificial mixes containing sucrose should be avoided.

If your baby does not have any special indications, do not buy formula with high iron content. Therefore, the nature of the baby’s stool may change, burping may become more frequent, and the baby’s taste sensations may change. In addition, constant consumption of formula with high iron content may lead to dysbacteriosis in the baby. It is best if infant formula is prescribed by your pediatrician. He will do this by taking into account the overall condition of the baby, and his weight, taking account the nature of the pregnancy and childbirth.

Let’s compare some formulas

Each baby formula has its pros and cons, but the main criteria for quality are the ingredients. So, for example, Hipp and Holle Baby Formula are made based on organic milk. About what there are certificates of quality. And by the way, organic formulas produced in Europe have much stricter restrictions on the labeling of organic products and additives. Both types of formula are suitable as an independent form of nutrition and as complementary feeding for a mixed type of feeding.

As breast milk contains lactose, a good formula should contain the appropriate amount of lactose (30%), the best source of carbohydrates. It provides infants with vital energy and supports healthy intestinal microflora.

Consequently, when comparing in terms of carbohydrate source, HiPP organic formula has the upper hand, as all mixes from this manufacturer (except the anti reflux formula) contain only lactose and no maltodextrin.

The Holle formula contains a well-balanced ratio of protein (whey and casein). And also this formula is mostly made with goat’s milk, which gastroenterologists conclude is easier for babies’ stomachs to digest.

Conscious brands’ blends include not only vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids, but also prebiotics and probiotics.

Ingredients to be avoided in baby food

Palm oil, namely palmitic acid, gets into the intestines of the baby, binds with calcium, forming from it insoluble soaps, which is quite dangerous for the condition of the baby, as it leads to the formation of harder stools, colic, and constipation in the intestines. Therefore, we recommend following the composition and buying baby formula without palm oil, if you do not want problems with digestion and the health of your baby.

Phytin is also a very undesirable substance for small children. It prevents calcium, iron, and vitamin D from being absorbed into the body. The problem is that phytin contains phosphorus, again a substance that binds calcium salts, preventing them from being absorbed.

For young children, sugar can be quite a dangerous product. As it turned out, this substance provokes the children’s body’s lack of B vitamins, which are very important for the normal digestion of children and absorption of carbohydrates by their body. In addition, sugar changes the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the blood of children, increasing the level of one of them (namely calcium) and reducing the content of the other. This disorder leads to a lack of absorption of calcium by the body in the proper amount, this trace element is either washed out of the body with the urine or begins to form deposits in the soft tissues.

So, in matters of how to pick up a baby formula without consequences for his health, experiments are not welcome. If you decide to treat your baby to some especially healthy food, before you go to the store, visit your pediatrician and discuss the idea with him: he will be able to tell you for sure what is best for your child.

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