Coursework: Considered in detail
Definition of coursework
What kind, of course, is this and why does it create so many headaches for students? The concept of a term paper is something between an abstract and a thesis. It is desirable to choose the topic of the course depending on the future topic of the thesis to simplifying your work in the future. Writing a term paper is the first research experience, this is what a term paper is, and why it is so important to try to understand it and write a term paper professionally. It’s not just a step in the learning process that needs to be completed faster, it’s an important experience that can come in handy in the future.
Coursework is a task performed by students of higher and secondary special educational institutions, usually in the second and third years (and sometimes in the first year) in the form of essays, in senior – in the form of research work. Often term papers are performed in subjects that are basic in the specialty.
Coursework is
In other words, the coursework is a self-written work on a specific scientific (theoretical, applied) problem, which reflects the student’s ability to assimilate the experience gained in a particular field of scientific knowledge.
Coursework is a scientific work in which there are elements of research, analysis, and conclusions. It is equally important to state everything correctly so that everything was as clear as possible. The writing process uses different sources of information, which gives the ability to logically present information in a systematic way. In addition, it is important to adhere to the structure and design standards.
According to their content, term papers are divided into three categories:
- research
- reporting
- calculation and graphics.
Requirements for writing a term paper
The coursework is performed on A4 sheets, 25-35 pages, and is submitted in paper form and on electronic media in Word format with the following page parameters: top and bottom margins – 2 cm; left 3 cm; right 1 cm – read on this page about more detailed requirements for the coursework. Your work should have page numbering (at the bottom of the page in the center), figures, and tables (alignment – on the right edge of the page). The list of references is given at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order by the names of the authors by the accepted standards of bibliographic description (see: List of used literature). Interesting data on the requirements for term papers in KPI can be viewed here.
Categories of term papers
Text design
Only 2 basic fonts should be used when writing: Times New Roman and Arial. The font size of the main text – is 14 points with a single line spacing; the number of months and year are written not abbreviated (31.12.2011), but in full (31 December 2011).
To add semantic accents to the text, various methods of text selection can be used: bold or italic. These techniques should be used with restraint and, if necessary, in accordance with a single style. Underline text cannot be used. The names of chemical elements, mathematical symbols, and vitamins should be typed in Latin letters.
The coursework should use automatic hyphens, as well as automatic numbered and bulleted lists.
Tables, figures, and diagrams
Tables in the text or its appendix must have headings, each table in the text must be referenced. Tables should be typed as follows: Menu> Insert> Table> Insert Table.
Illustrations must have a serial number and title. Each illustration in the text must be referenced. All illustrations must be provided in their original form.
Use special characters
Special characters (Greek letters, », 3, ®, ±, etc.) and special letters of foreign languages (ü, é, ø, ç, š, Å, æ, ß, etc.) are inserted as follows: Menu> Insert> Symbol.
The main thing about the coursework
In short, each student needs to know about the course the following general information – this is a work that is presented in print in compliance with the rules of design. The volume of coursework is 25 or more pages of text. A fully designed coursework should consist of: a title page, table of contents, introduction, main text, conclusion, bibliography, and appendices. It is important to follow the requirements for writing a term paper, and it is not so difficult to know well about the peculiarities of the use of symbols and tables. In any case, you can always ask for professional writing help.
Popular questions about the coursework
What is a term paper?
Coursework is a task for students of “Higher” and secondary special educational institutions, which requires the implementation of the second year and often in the main subjects.
How to add a table to a term paper in Word?
Very simple: Menu> Insert> Table> Insert Table
How to insert a special character in a course in Word?
Special characters are added as follows: Menu> Insert> Character
How to specify the date in the coursework?
The number of months and years in the course are written not abbreviated (August 24, 1991), but in full (August 24, 1991).
What categories of term papers exist in their content?
There are only 3 categories: reporting, research, calculation, and graphics.