
Cellulaze Treatment – What Makes It Most Preferable Surgery?

The Cellulaze treatment is a minimally invasive procedure designed to remove stubborn fat cells beneath the skin, including those that have been resistant to diet and exercise. It’s a newer procedure that has been associated with a much more significant and lasting weight loss than other procedures, like liposuction.

Are you thinking about having this procedure? Here are the things to consider before making any decisions about your future health.

  1. Minimally invasive and can be performed on various body parts

This means that the procedure of cellulaze in Manhattan takes less time and much less recovery time compared to other procedures. The procedure is also safer, since needles are not used. You can have Cellulaze performed on your tummy, arms, legs, back, or buttocks. It’s possible to have up to 3 areas treated during one procedure.

  1. Cellulaze uses special lasers to break down fat cells

This stimuates the body to release their contents and excrete the fatty acids through the lymph system. This entire process usually takes anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks; although some people report results immediately after treatment, others may require 2 or 3 treatments before they see any significant changes in body appearance or weight loss.

  1. Budget friendly with no tissue damamge

The cost of the procedure varies from one clinic to another and depends on the number of areas treated. The average price ranges from $4,500-$8,000 per session and takes between 1-2 hours to complete. The procedure causes little sagging of the skin and does not leave behind unsightly scars like other procedures might do if performed incorrectly or too frequently.

  1. You may see results right away

Most people notice a significant change in the jiggle of their skin and the size of their problem areas. This is because Cellulaze successfully breaks down fat cells, while strengthening the muscles underneath. Coupled with an overall weight loss, cellulaze can help you lose visible inches on your body without the worry about sagging and excess skin.

  1. No downtime

You should be able to go back to your regular routine right after treatment. You might feel some tenderness in the area, but you can certainly still workout, go back to work and live a normal life! The only more serious side effect is that you may develop bad sunburn at the treatment site if you spend too much time out in the sun. That’s why it’s important to wear sunscreen after treatment.

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