
How to Get Started Line Dancing – The Ultimate Guide

Line dancing is all the rage nowadays. Many people are venturing into this world. To some, it may sound daunting. As a matter of fact, it is a very “beginner-friendly” type of dancing which you can easily get started with! Here we will tell you how to do so.

Some Words About Line Dancing

Line dancing involves dancing with a group of people in a choreographed way. The dancers usually dance in arrangements of lines. There can only be one or several lines of people. Dancers usually follow a repeated pattern of steps, oftentimes looking in the same direction. Sometimes, they may be facing each other, but this doesn’t happen regularly.

What you need to do in order to get started with line dancing is being able to memorize basic steps, and have the ability to follow the beat!

You’ll also find that there are different levels of line dancing. They are usually “Beginner”, “Improver”, “Intermediate”, and finally “Advanced”. The level is rather determined by the difficulty of the dance moves per se than the ability or experience of the dancers. As the difficulty increases, so do the movements, steps, turns, and combinations.

Tips on How to Get Started

You’ll Need Patience

You may have high expectations for yourself at first. As this can be something positive, you still shouldn’t feel discouraged if things don’t go your way during the first couple of lessons. If you want to become good, you have to put in the time. Results will eventually show!

Practice Constantly

It does take some time to get familiarized with all of the steps you can find. You need to understand that there is a wide plethora of moves to get acquainted with. Even if they are easy, you will require some practice to be able to use them proficiently.

Ask for Help if You Need It

This one can be tricky. If you have the feeling that after several lessons you can’t still improve or perceive that you are becoming stagnant, ask for help. Instructors will be more than glad to help with that.

Get Adequate Footwear

While using your everyday sneakers may be tempting at first, you should invest in a good pair of leather-soled footwear if you want to line dance comfortably. Especially if you are a beginner, you’ll move with much more ease if you get appropriate line dancing shoes.

Basic Line Dancing Steps


The flick is super simple. All you need to do is to do a low kick by bending the knee and employing the ankle, similar to a kick.


This one will make you look like an expert from the get-go. What you need to do is to lift your leg, bring it forward and plant your heel gently on the ground. As you do this, you make an outward 90-degree pivot with your leg using your heel and return to the initial position. This can be done either with only one leg, or both of them.

Hold (or “Hesitation”)

This one is precisely what the name implies. You just hang in there and hold the position for one beat or more. This is used to create contrast, or simply to regain composure.

Is There Any Line Dance Instructor Near Me?

By this time, you are quite likely to be asking yourself: “Are there any country line dancing classes near me?” If you live in Nashville, Tennessee the answer is “Yes!” Try a lesson taught by a line dance instructor at https://countryfusion.net/. Here you will find several line dancing lessons with styles that are suited to your needs.

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