
How to restore a student’s sleep regime

Quality sleep is not only important for good concentration and memory while studying and performing at the gym. Eight hours of healthy daily sleep reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, as well as several other health problems. But you probably don’t get that much sleep. For example, in the UK, a third of all residents sleep less than six hours a night, while the recommended amount of sleep at night should be between 6.5 and 8 hours for health reasons.

The main reason for the lack of sleep in modern man is to burn through life. Work at full stretch, coupled with the need to absorb a huge amount of information to keep up with life, does not leave time for sleep. Sleep is the easiest thing to sacrifice. Your career ambitions and your habit of responding to all your social media messages are what is detrimental to sleep. And it’s not just about falling asleep at your desk.

How to normalize sleep

  • Don’t sleep during the day: a short nap may sound appealing, but it will cause you to struggle for a long time to fall asleep in the evening.
  • Avoid stimulants: don’t drink coffee six hours before bedtime. So no espresso in the afternoon.
  • Follow a regimen: it will help you restore a healthy sleep pattern.  And even if you have a lot of homework that can disrupt it, it is better to go to write my essay services that will help you focus on your health.
  • Avoid bright lights: don’t look at electric light sources an hour before bedtime. Light disrupts your body’s natural circadian rhythm.
  • Do not drink alcohol before going to bed: A hot mulled wine may calm you down, but it will have a negative impact on the quality of sleep.
  • Exercise regularly: it is not necessary to work out right before going to bed, but regular exercise improves your mood and expends energy.
  • Keep hungry: it’s better not to eat anything two hours before going to bed so that everything in your stomach calms down beforehand.
  • If there are animals in the house, the bedroom door should be closed. Pets often interfere with rest.
  • Understand that fresh air helps you fall asleep faster, so you should air the room before going to bed.
  • Exercise a few hours before going to bed, go out for a jog in the fresh air or just walk.
  • Listen to melodious, calm music. Classical or natural sounds are good for this purpose. Alternatively, reading a book is a good idea.
  • Do not concentrate on worries and difficulties before going to bed, but think about something peaceful, and pleasant.

Lack of sleep leads to increased anxiety, and problems with the ability to work, and negatively affects the immune system. An even more dangerous situation is when you get enough sleep but still feel tired all the time.

In this case, you should see a sleep specialist to get checked for conditions such as apnea. This thing, which often masquerades as chronic snoring, is not to be trifled with. That loud snoring that wakes you up in the middle of the night is caused by a partial blockage of your airway, which deprives you of oxygen.

The good news is that most of us only need to make lifestyle changes to improve our sleep.


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