Pivotal Six-Man Tag set for Tuesday night
Santos Escobar and Legado del Fantasma seems to be far from over yet Kushidabut there is some support on his side too.
The NXT Heavyweight Champion will join forces with the NXT Tag Team Champions MSK to take on Escobar. Joaquin Wilde as well as Raul Mendoza this Tuesday night at the Six-Man Tag action.
Kushida stunned Escobar two weeks ago, forcing him to become the new NXT heavyweight champion and retained his first defense last week against Oni Lorcan before being ambushed by Escobar and company.
MSC Nash Carter as well as Weight Lee, who had their own troubles with Wilde and Mendoza, took to the stage to help the NXT Time Splitter resident clean up the house.
Which trio will win this decisive battle with potential championship repercussions? Check it out Tuesday night at 8/7 C on the US net!