SMS marketing mistakes that you should avoid

Short message service marketing is a form of mobile marketing that companies have integrated and appreciated as a valid form of marketing. In this form of marketing, businesses send promotional messages to their customers to promote their brand.

SMS marketing has been proven to be the most effective marketing channel. With the rising number of mobile phones, SMS marketing has many recipients. There are various types of SMS marketing, including SMS coupons, alerts and notifications, promotional deals and discounts, loyalty programs, and flash sales.

However, timing will depend on your industry, product, and target audience. Many network providers have an automated text messaging service that is beneficial, and you should use it rationally. The time you set for the automated tests should be regular and at proper timing.

1.  Sending Unwanted Texts

SMS is highly intrusive since it does not have the option to open it like an email. The text message gets delivered to your client`s gadget. Thus it is not wrong to send unwanted texts. Before sending your customers any message, ensure you understand what they want and need and when they need it. You have to aim to solve their problems first; approaching them this way might be better if they don`t have your consent.

For instance, you might be aware of some people who may need something at a particular time. For example, people who congregate somewhere regularly for a function will need refreshments. You should send them the message at around noon rather than 5 pm since you will prove unhelpful, and they might unsubscribe from your channel.

2.  Sending Untimely Messages

Timing is vital when promoting your products. Remember your main aim is to sort out your customers` problems which you can only do by offering a solution when they need it. You should avoid sending messages to your clients in the middle of the night as this will be uncalled for and might create more problems than benefits.

However, timing will depend on your industry, product, and target audience. Many network providers have an automated text messaging service that is beneficial, and you should use it rationally. The time you set for the automated tests should be regular and at proper timing.

3.  Sending Messages from Random Phone Numbers

This is a mistake that most marketers make when promoting their products. It would be best to stick to a single phone number so as to create a sense of being organized and trustworthy to your customers. Many people tend to ignore messages from unknown phone numbers, and therefore, your marketing will not be effective. Using a mobile number for marketing is preferable for a small audience. Sending your clients marketing messages using a mobile number creates a direct conversation making it more effective.

Furthermore, each SMS you send must identify that your business authorized it and uses your legal name or that of your business. The business name is the most professional way to send SMS messages. The name can be up to eleven characters and should match your brand or product name as much as possible. As the sender of the message, you will have a range of choices. This will depend on your country of residence. For instance, in some countries, you can choose the SenderID, the Sender Name, the Alpha Tag, or the Originator.

4.  Forgetting an Opt-out in your SMS

As a marketer who wants to last long in the business and expand your customer base, you must prioritize your customers` preferences. A customer may not be interested in your product; therefore, you should provide an opt-out option after the customer has signed in and wants to unsubscribe.

Various countries also require the opt-out option to be easy to use. With the advancing technology, some applications offer a mobile-optimized unsubscribe facility that tracks the opt-outs automatically. In this case, you will not need to create an opt-out process from scratch.

5.  Messaging Opted-Out Subscribers

When a client opt-out, it is by their will and you must respect that. It would be rude and against the law to send marketing SMS to customers who have not subscribed to your marketing service.

Sending unwarranted messages is a breach of messaging agreements and can lead to heavy financial penalties. It would be best to check out your country`s spam laws and familiarize yourself with the breaching consequences.

Finally, SMS marketing has been embraced globally and has proven to be a reliable way of marketing business brands. SMS marketing can grow your customer base exponentially, but only if you use it correctly. Avoid the above-mentioned messaging mistakes to boost your customer loyalty.


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