The Time I Bought 10% Foaming Wash On the PanOxyl Website
Since adolescence, I’ve suffered from ongoing acne and it was something that I’d just learned to live with. I had my way of dealing with things and while it wasn’t perfect, I did at least get a little relief from my regular breakouts. Then, one day, a friend of mine said they’d had great results from a product they got from the PanOxyl website.
Up until then, I’d had a standard daily skincare routine, involving the usual cleanser, toner and moisturizers. It did seem to slow the rate of spots coming through, but it didn’t give me what you might call proper relief – you know, the kind that makes acne go away.
A PanOxyl Website 10% Foaming Wash
After going through many reviews, I decided to put my money where my mouth was and buy some PanOxyl 10% foaming acne wash. I didn’t know at the time that this was a decision I would come to be extremely glad I’d made, but I had an inkling the first time I used it.
Clearing my skin is usually a pleasant experience for me each day, but the moment I placed this foaming wash on my skin, I felt something new – a clean, pleasant, tingling sensation.
I’d gone for the 10% product as my acne has always been on the upper end of the scale in terms of severity. After washing it off, my skin felt cleaner than it had for years.
Ongoing, Improving Results
As I mentioned earlier, I had done my homework before buying the product, something that it was easy to do on the PanOxyl website. This was followed by getting another couple of opinions on the subject from their competitors – just to be sure that I wasn getting the unbiased truth.
I saw in PanOxyl’s marketing that theirs was the #1 acne wash in the US, so were the results in keeping with these claims? Absolutely!
Gradual, But Noticeable Improvements
While I couldn’t see much difference after the first couple of days of use, I have to say that my skin was starting to feel much better. I didn’t seem to have nearly as many sore areas or tightness in my skin, so my skin was clearly happier.
However, day on day, for the next couple of weeks, the results I was getting were improving. By week 2, for example, I was enjoying break-out free mornings – an event that was rare before using the product. By week 3, they’d stopped coming completely!
Take a Visit to the PanOxyl Website Yourself Today!
As an adult, I had never been proud of my skin, but thanks to this superb foaming wash product, I can wholeheartedly say that I am now. I’ve had virtually flawless skin since I started using and that’s not likely to change any time soon. I just can’t believe I was unaware about it for so long!
You will have to carry on doing all the right things to keep your acne under control, but when you introduce a high quality benzoyl peroxide into your routine, you give your acne nowhere to hide! I know, because I’ve seen the results up close and personal.
Believe me, if you’ve got acne – it’s something worth investing in!