
Why did I get error KB3055343?

Error KB3055343 is a Windows error that prevents you to install the latest updates, and many users have been trying to fix this issue. This article will teach you how to fix the problem without any hassle.

What is error KB3055343?

There’s a possibility that you might have gotten error KB3055343 if Windows Update encountered an issue while trying to scan and update your device. This error can occur when there are problems with the files that are being updated, or when Windows Update can’t verify the file information. If this happens, it’ll give you a notification about the issue and offer to try to fix it. If it still doesn’t work, then you’ll need to follow these steps to resolve the problem: 1. Check for updates by going to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. 2. If there are any updates waiting to be installed, click on Download and install updates (this will start the process of installing them). 3. If there are no updates waiting to be installed, click on Check for updates again. 4. If there are still pending updates, click on Installing updates now. 5. Once the updates are installed, try scanning for and installing Updates again.

Things that can cause it to happen

1. There could be a problem with the computer’s hardware or software.
2. The computer may have been infected with a virus or malware.
3. There could be corruption on the hard drive or in the operating system.
4. The files that are being used might not be compatible with one another, which can lead to errors or crashes.
5. There could be problems with the installation or configuration of programs and drivers, or with the settings on the computer itself.

Things that can be done to fix it

There are a few things that can be done in order to fix the error KB:

1. Make sure that your computer is up-to-date. Microsoft released a Cumulative Update for Windows 10 in February of this year, which may have fixed the issue. If you’re still having issues after updating your computer, you can try installing the latest drivers from your device manufacturer.

2. Try reinstalling Windows 10. You can do this by going to Settings > Update and Security > Recovery > Get Started and selecting “Reinstall Windows 10.” If this doesn’t work, you may need to perform a clean installation of Windows 10. This will erase your current system and install it again from scratch, which may fix the issue.

3. Try repairing or replacing your affected hardware component. If you’re unable to resolve the issue with steps 1-2, you may need to take more drastic measures and replace your affected hardware component.


If you’re experiencing an error like KB3055343, there’s a good chance that your computer is missing one or more critical hardware components. In order to fix the problem, you’ll need to reinstall Windows and all of its associated programs. Before doing any of that, make sure that you have the latest drivers installed for your hardware and try uninstalling any software that might be causing problems. Finally, contact your IT support team to find out what else they can do to help resolve the issue.

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