What is Wireless Charging? How Does It Work? – An ObserverDesk Guide

Do you also believe that wireless charging was first introduced back in 2015, when Samsung launched its S6 series?

Or you are a few of those who are aware of F.A. Kirsten, and J.G. Bolger’s 1978 wireless charging experiment, where they successfully managed to power an electric vehicle using the respective technology? Which is still not the first introduction to wireless charging.

What is then?

That we will learn in this ObserverDesk exclusive guide followed by how wireless charging works, is it safe to charge your phone with wireless charging, what are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless charging, and if you make your mind then, how can you enable or disable wireless charging on your Android or iPhone.

The First Introduction to Wireless Charging

As I mentioned above, neither Samsung nor the 1978 experiment were the inventors of wireless charging, which legitmately raises the question of its founder and when did wireless charging come into existence?

The answer, however, dates back to 1901, when Nikola Tesla, the great inventor, engineer, and genius came up with the idea of resonant inductive coupling. A phenomenon where the transmitter shapes an electromagnetic field in its surroundings and leverages air to transmit electricity to the receiver.

Since the day Nikola Tesla engraved the successful experiment with his name, the invention went through countless modifications, and as you now witness, is available within every other smartphone, smartwatch, tablets, appliances, electronics, and whatnot.

Now that you know Nikola Tesla invented the wireless charging tech, it is time you learn how this technology works.

How Does Wireless Charging Work?

All the phones, gadgets, appliances, electronics that support wireless charging carry a harvesting/receiving coil within them. This coil, when placed on or closer to the wireless charger, having the induction or transmitting coil that creates an electromagnetic field, starts harvesting energy for its circuits to convert into electrical energy.

This way the device gets charged with the usable energy, allowing you to drain it while you use them throughout the day(s).

Is Wireless Charging Safe?

Yes, wireless charging is completely safe. You must not worry if your smart gadget’s battery will blast or get damaged. It is because the technology charges them at an optimal pace, sparing them enough room to maintain the temperature.

And yes, we are not denying the fact that there is EMF radiation emitted from the respective tech, but not to such an extent that will harm your health. So it would be safe to say that you can, without overthinking, opt for wireless charging. However, coming up next, consider its advantages and disadvantages before you do so.

Advantages of Wireless Charging

  • With wireless charging, you can charge all your smart but compatible devices with a single charging pad. Just place them with their coils exposed to the charger’s surface, and they’ll start charging.
  • There are no cords for you to worry about any electrical sparks or explosions. Also, It does, to some extent, enhance the durability and longevity of your smartphone USB jacks as you don’t have to plug and unplug them repeatedly.
  • Your gadgets or smartphones won’t overheat as long as they are being charged wirelessly. It is because the wireless charger shuts off automatically once it has charged all your devices individually.

Disadvantages of Wireless Charging

  • Like wired charging, where you can, to some extent, use and move your phone while it charges, you can’t do it with wireless charging. The phone needs to be continuously placed and connected to the charger’s surface to get charged, which means the moment you pick up the phone or your device, it would be disconnected.
  • If you are a go-to type guy who wants the phone charged within minutes and gets going with their work, wireless charging is not for you. A study shows that wireless charging might take up to 80% longer to charge the devices as compared to wired charging.
  • You have to be extremely careful with the placement of your device, if it is not positioned on to the mark, it won’t get charged — unlike the wired charging, where you can pick, use, and place your phone back, being assured that it’s charging.

How Can You Enable Wireless Charging?

There is no rocket science when it comes to enabling wireless charging, actually there is not even a science. You just have to check if your smartphone or device supports wireless charging, which you can do by visiting the manufacturer’s site and looking for the wireless charging compatibility in the battery section.

Once you have spotted the compatibility, all you have to do is place your smartphone or device on a wireless charger, which should start charging your phone right away.

However, there are some phones from Samsung that require you to manually enable wireless charging. And to do that, just hop on to Settings > Battery > Charging, look for the toggle or button, switch it on to charge your phone wirelessly.

The same you could do to disable wireless charging on the selected smartphones.


Wireless charging is a practice of charging compatible smart devices without having to connect them through cords, but placing them onto their positions with their harvesting coils ultimately facing the charger’s surface.

While it lets you charge multiple devices at once, it takes much longer to do so. You can’t use your phone while it is charging, move it away from its position, and have to wait longer for your device to get charged.

It all depends upon your preference, if you want to get rid of your phone for a bit of time to read books, and do meaningful things, you can opt for wireless charging. But if you do all the meaningful things on your phone, you should stick to wired charging.

With the options available to charge your phone as fast as at 65W, wired charging will fuel your phone to 100% within 30 minutes. But on the contrary, you can only charge at 15W wirelessly, for it is the best and fastest wireless charging available in the market, taking thrice of what the wired charging does. We hope that the detailed guide shared by ObserverDesk will help you in making wise decisions.

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